• Offering the best quality of products in the fastest way
  • Offering the best quality of products in the fastest way
  • Offering the best quality of products in the fastest way
  • Offering the best quality of products in the fastest way
  • Offering the best quality of products in the fastest way
  • Offering the best quality of products in the fastest way
  • Offering the best quality of products in the fastest way
  • Offering the best quality of products in the fastest way

TO THE WORLD! Expanding production network! Ibaraki Giken has expanded its production sites from Japan to Manila. Headquarters / Kitaibaraki Plant Aomori Factory

Research and development of new technology

Research and development of new technology

We're going aggressive research and development of proprietary technology.

Challenges for High Quality

Challenges for High Quality

System that can provide high quality products

Environmental Actions

Environmental Actions

Introduction of environmental protection actions by CEBU YMTECHNOLOGY INC.

What’s New

To List of News

Information on factory integration.
Our article appeared on an overall specialized magazine of plastic forming "press technology 2016 year December issue" ( Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun published ).
Our article appeared on an overall specialized magazine of plastic forming "press technology 2016 year April issue" (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun published).
Our article was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun of March 1 on Tuesday.
Our article appeared on an overall specialized magazine of plastic forming "press technology 2016 year January issue" ( Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun published ).
"A method and an apparatus for manufacturing a metal film forming method and metal film-forming product"
I was patented (IG plating)
Our article was published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun of January 28 on Wednesday.
Our article was published in Ibarakishinbun of Thursday October 23.
2014 Tsukuba Bank Business Exchange business meeting.
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